August had always known from the time he was very young that his hearing would eventually deteriorate so much that he would need hearing aids. During his annual doctors appointment he failed his audiology test. With his ears being malformed the doctors had to fit Auggie with a special headband so the ear buds would stay in place.
"Do I really have to wear this Mom?" "I hate them"(pg213)!
Once his hearing aids were turned on and adjusted correctly the difference was like night and day.
With Auggies new hearing abilities he overheard a conversation between his mother and Olivia. A secret about the play came out. Via hadn't told her parents about it and a huge argument ensued. Via said, "Just leave me alone okay? you've been really good about leaving me alone my whole life ,so why you choose high school to suddenly be interested I have no idea" (pg216)...
At dinner that night mom tried to explain to Auggie that the play wouldn't be interesting for him so she would stay home with him while their dad would attend once again sparking an outburst out of Via. Via felt like she gained nothing by being upfront and honest with her mom when it came down to the nitty gritty, mom would always stay and protect Auggie. Auggie caught on right away to what was going on and yelled at his mother to stop treating him like he was a baby.
That night tragedy strikes the Pullman household their dog Daisy passes away. The family unit comes together and realizes that the argument was unimportant and they all were invited to Via's school to see the play.
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